Electrodomésticas de calidad alemana. SEVERIN - marca alemana con 130 años de experiencia en el mercado.

Travel hair dryer

19.99 €
HT 0159
Not available

Entdecke dein ideales Styling-Erlebnis, egal wo du bist! Unser Reise-Haartrockner kombiniert einen leistungsstarken 1.600 Watt DC-Motor mit einem cleveren, faltbaren Design. Mit zwei kombinierten Temperatur- und Leistungseinstellungen sowie einer Kaltlufttaste bietet er dir die Flexibilität, deinen Look nach Lust und Laune zu kreieren. Das praktische Zubehör, ein Konzentrator, sorgt für präzise Ergebnisse. Perfekt für unterwegs!

Technical specifications

Number of attachments 1
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g) 656.0
On-off button yes
Removable parts yes
Colour black
Wireless operation no
Child safety device no
Power (in Watt) 1600.0
Power levels 2
Soft Touch handle no
Plug_type Shaped plug: Typ C (CEE 7/17)
Net weight (in g) 481.0
Condition New
Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 26.5 x 15 x 7.9
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 8.8 x 25 x 12
Display No
Cable length (in mm) 1800.0
USB-cable connection no
Warranty statement http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/0159_HT_Warranty.pdf
Packaging recyclable predominantly
Operating instructions fully recyclable Yes
Device contains recycled material No
Possible hazardous substances https://echa.europa.eu/de/scip-database *permanent update
Garantieerklärung 0159_HT_Warranty-3.pdf

Modelle vergleichen

19.99 €
HT 0159 / Art.-Nr. 0159000
https://severin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/HT0159-Detail_eingeklappt-5-scaled.jpg Zum Produkt
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g) 656.0
Display No
Colour black
Plug_type Shaped plug: Typ C (CEE 7/17)
USB-cable connection no
Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 26.5 x 15 x 7.9
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 8.8 x 25 x 12
Power levels 2
Number of attachments 1
Removable parts yes
On-off button yes
Wireless operation no
Child safety device no
Soft Touch handle no
Condition New
Net weight (in g) 481.0
Power (in Watt) 1600.0
Cable length (in mm) 1800.0
Warranty statement http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/0159_HT_Warranty.pdf
Packaging recyclable predominantly
Operating instructions fully recyclable Yes
Device contains recycled material No
Possible hazardous substances https://echa.europa.eu/de/scip-database *permanent update
44.99 €
HT 0167 / Art.-Nr. 0167000
https://severin.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/HT0167-frontal-Variante-Hand-1-scaled.jpg Zum Produkt
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g) 1180.0
Display No
Colour black, silver
Plug_type Shaped plug: Typ C (CEE 7/17)
USB-cable connection no
Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 30.6 x 21.8 x 9.1
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 29.8 x 23 x 9.5
Power levels 2
Number of attachments 2
Removable parts no
On-off button yes
Wireless operation no
Child safety device no
Soft Touch handle no
Condition New
Net weight (in g) 728.0
Power (in Watt) 2300.0
Cable length (in mm) 2800.0
Warranty statement http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/0167_HT_Warranty.pdf
Packaging recyclable predominantly
Operating instructions fully recyclable Yes
Device contains recycled material No
Possible hazardous substances https://echa.europa.eu/de/scip-database *permanent update
29.99 €
HT 0141 / Art.-Nr. 0141000
https://severin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/severin-haartrockner-ht-0141-haartrockner.png Zum Produkt
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g)
USB-cable connection
Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm)
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm)
Power levels
Number of attachments
Removable parts
On-off button
Wireless operation
Child safety device
Soft Touch handle
Net weight (in g)
Power (in Watt)
Cable length (in mm)
Warranty statement
Packaging recyclable
Operating instructions fully recyclable
Device contains recycled material
Possible hazardous substances