Training certificate – Training at SEVERIN
Companies that want to provide training in Germany need at least one trainer with a training certificate. This is the authorization to teach, promote and support our specialists and managers of tomorrow!

Many of the trainees decide to continue their career at SEVERIN after their training. A trainer is not only a teacher, but above all a contact person for trainees who is available to provide advice and support throughout the entire training period.
According to our colleagues, it is particularly exciting to see where the interfaces between the different training professions lie. Whether IT system integration or industrial clerks, the basics in the training of young people are the same and are then decided in the individual areas of responsibility.
We asked our colleagues Nicole (Marketing Trainer) and Maria (Training Manager at SEVERIN) for their personal impressions and gained the following insights into the time before and after the exam.
“It was exciting to present a concept to three external people and to see the reactions to it. Above all, it was exciting because it was a practical example that had already been implemented in this form at SEVERIN. I learned a lot of things that I hadn’t really thought about before when dealing with trainees. The preparation and subsequent examination for the training certificate will help me to pay even more attention to methods and communication with trainees in the future.”
Says our colleague Nicole from Marketing. She is positive about the future and is looking forward to working with current and future trainees at SEVERIN.
Maria Thevißen is the main contact person at SEVERIN for everything to do with training.
She also successfully passed her exam and answered a few questions on the subject of training certificates:
Why was it important to you to do the training certificate?
“I really enjoy encouraging motivated trainees and supporting and accompanying them on their personal journey at SEVERIN.”
What were you most looking forward to after you passed the exam?
“That I am now also ‘officially’ allowed to train!”
Which of the skills and methods you have learned do you think will help you most in your everyday life and in dealing with trainees?
“It is important to know that not everyone learns in the same way. There are different types of learners who can only achieve optimum learning results with the right instruction method. This is exactly the support I want to give our trainees.”
Which of the topics covered do you think will be most important to you in the future?
“How I can organize the trainees’ day-to-day work in such a way that they learn as much as possible and can achieve the set learning objectives by selecting the right instruction methods. I’m also looking forward to putting the theoretical knowledge I’ve acquired over the last few weeks into practice.”
The training of our new trainers at SEVERIN is not only an advantage for the company, but above all for our trainees, because now their everyday life at SEVERIN can be organized even more effectively and efficiently. Both professionally and personally, qualified specialists are now on hand to provide advice and assistance wherever they can.