Hearty tomato crumble with Der Grüne Altenburger goat roll
Discover the irresistible taste of this hearty tomato and goat's cheese raclette creation! Juicy, aromatic tomatoes in a delicious marinade of olive oil, shallots and oregano form the perfect base. The crowning glory is the delicately melted goat's cheese slices coated in crunchy pine nuts. This dish combines fresh flavors and heavenly textures that merge on the grill plate to create an unforgettable taste experience. Perfect for convivial evenings and for anyone who craves something special!
Preparation time 35 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes

8 pans
- 400 g cherry tomatoes
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 2 shallots, finely chopped
- ½ clove of garlic, finely chopped
- 1 pinch of sugar or a dash of honey
- ½ tsp oregano (fresh or dried)
- 4 tbsp pine nuts
- 4 tbsp flour
- 8 tbsp panko (alternatively normal breadcrumbs)
- 6 tbsp butter
- 150 g Der Grüne Altenburger natural goat roll
- Salt and pepper
- Wash the tomatoes, halve or quarter depending on their size and mix in a bowl with the olive oil, shallots, sugar, oregano, salt and pepper. Leave to stand until ready to use.
- Toast the pine nuts in a pan (optional) and put them in the universal chopper when cool.
- Add the flour, panko, soft butter, salt and pepper and mix briefly (15-20 seconds) until coarsely combined. The pine nuts should only be coarsely crushed.
- Place the crumble mixture in a bowl and chill.
- Cut the Green Altenburger Goat Roll into 8 slices.
- Connect the SEVENTO raclette grill and preheat to level 3.
- Strain the tomato mixture if necessary to avoid having too much liquid in the pans.
- Place two tablespoons of tomatoes in each pan and roast on the griddle for 4-5 minutes.
- Then place a slice of goat’s cheese on top of each tomato, spread the crumble in the pans and bake under the grill for a further 5-10 minutes until the cheese is soft and the crumble is browned.