Electrodomésticas de calidad alemana. SEVERIN - marca alemana con 130 años de experiencia en el mercado.


169 €
PG 8117
Not available

Compact, stylish and also quite hot at 500°C – this is how the SENOA freestanding grill comes to your home. Ideal for the balcony, garden or your kitchen. A full 3,000 watts ensure high temperatures in all places where there’s a socket.

Technical specifications

Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 16.5 x 62 x 41
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 45.7 x 80.5 x 29.3
Storage compartment yes
Removable lid no
Grill surface type Grill grate
Heating-up time 10 minutes
Display No
On-off button no
Removable parts yes
Colour black, silver
Height-adjustable grillage yes
Grilling thermometer yes
Indoor yes
Outdoor yes
Adjustable thermostat yes
Non-slip rubber feet yes
Safe Touch yes
Side tables no
Safety micro-switch yes
Beep no
Voltage (in Volt) 230.0
Plug_type Schuko plug: Typ E + F (CEE 7/7)
Timer no
Tabletop grill function yes
WiFi no
Condition New
Net weight (in g) 4156.0
Boost Zone yes
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g) 8824.0
Grillage diameter (in mm) 480.0
Grill height / Work height (in cm) 85.0
Grilling temperature 80 – 500 °C
Cable length (in mm) 2000.0
Power (in Watt) 3000.0
Dishwasher-safe parts yes
Control via mobile app no
Warranty statement http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/8113_8117_pg_im_guaranteebook.pdf
USP webshop image 1 http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/severin-standgrill-pg-8117-senoa-boost-s-USP1.jpg
Packaging recyclable predominantly
Operating instructions fully recyclable Yes
Device contains recycled material No
Possible hazardous substances https://echa.europa.eu/de/scip-database *permanent update
Data sheet 8117000_en.pdf

Modelle vergleichen

169 €
PG 8117 / Art.-Nr. 8117000
https://severin.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/severin-standgrill-pg-8117-senoa-boost-s-7.png Zum Produkt
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g) 8824.0
Display No
Colour black, silver
Adjustable thermostat yes
Plug_type Schuko plug: Typ E + F (CEE 7/7)
Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 16.5 x 62 x 41
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 45.7 x 80.5 x 29.3
Beep no
Timer no
Removable parts yes
Non-slip rubber feet yes
On-off button no
Grill surface type Grill grate
Indoor yes
Safe Touch yes
Safety micro-switch yes
Heating-up time 10 minutes
Outdoor yes
Height-adjustable grillage yes
Control via mobile app no
Voltage (in Volt) 230.0
Storage compartment yes
Removable lid no
Boost Zone yes
Grilling thermometer yes
Side tables no
Tabletop grill function yes
WiFi no
Grilling temperature 80 – 500 °C
Grill height / Work height (in cm) 85.0
Condition New
Net weight (in g) 4156.0
Power (in Watt) 3000.0
Cable length (in mm) 2000.0
Dishwasher-safe parts yes
Grillage diameter (in mm) 480.0
Warranty statement http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/8113_8117_pg_im_guaranteebook.pdf
USP webshop image 1 http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/severin-standgrill-pg-8117-senoa-boost-s-USP1.jpg
Packaging recyclable predominantly
Operating instructions fully recyclable Yes
Device contains recycled material No
Possible hazardous substances https://echa.europa.eu/de/scip-database *permanent update
209 €
WT 5005 / Art.-Nr. 5005000
https://severin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/severin-tischgrill-wt-5005-wurster-1.png Zum Produkt
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g) 7165.0
Display LED
Colour black, grey
Adjustable thermostat
Plug_type Schuko plug: Typ E + F (CEE 7/7)
Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 42 x 30 x 23
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 24.5 x 45.5 x 31.3
Beep no
Timer yes
Removable parts
Non-slip rubber feet yes
On-off button
Grill surface type
Indoor yes
Safe Touch
Safety micro-switch
Heating-up time
Outdoor no
Height-adjustable grillage
Control via mobile app
Voltage (in Volt)
Storage compartment
Removable lid
Boost Zone
Grilling thermometer
Side tables
Tabletop grill function
Grilling temperature
Grill height / Work height (in cm)
Condition New
Net weight (in g) 5950.0
Power (in Watt) 2000.0
Cable length (in mm)
Dishwasher-safe parts yes
Grillage diameter (in mm)
Warranty statement
USP webshop image 1 http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/severin-tischgrill-wt-5005-wurster-USP1.png
Packaging recyclable predominantly
Operating instructions fully recyclable Yes
Device contains recycled material No
Possible hazardous substances https://echa.europa.eu/de/scip-database *permanent update
79.99 €
PG 8567 / Art.-Nr. 8567000
https://severin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/severin-tischgrill-pg-8567-tischgrill-mit-grillplatte-1.png Zum Produkt
Gross weight (including packaging) (in g) 4377.0
Display No
Colour black
Adjustable thermostat yes
Plug_type Schuko plug: Typ E + F (CEE 7/7)
Product dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 14.8 x 52.7 x 39.5
Package dimensions (HxWxD) (in cm) 42.5 x 56.5 x 13.2
Beep no
Timer no
Removable parts yes
Non-slip rubber feet no
On-off button no
Grill surface type Grill plate fluted
Indoor yes
Safe Touch yes
Safety micro-switch
Heating-up time
Outdoor yes
Height-adjustable grillage
Control via mobile app no
Voltage (in Volt)
Storage compartment no
Removable lid no
Boost Zone no
Grilling thermometer no
Side tables
Tabletop grill function yes
WiFi no
Grilling temperature
Grill height / Work height (in cm)
Condition New
Net weight (in g) 3654.0
Power (in Watt) 2200.0
Cable length (in mm) 1400.0
Dishwasher-safe parts no
Grillage diameter (in mm) 515.0
Warranty statement http://cdn.sever.eimed-project.de/8565_8566_8567_8568_pg_im_guaranteebook.pdf
USP webshop image 1
Packaging recyclable predominantly
Operating instructions fully recyclable Yes
Device contains recycled material No
Possible hazardous substances https://echa.europa.eu/de/scip-database *permanent update