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The colorful world of egg dishes – from sweet to savory

Who doesn't know and love it: the typical Sunday breakfast egg! Sometimes it can also be scrambled eggs or a delicious waffle. We're talking about eggs. They are so versatile that it's hard to imagine life without them. Whether sweet or savory, everyone will find just the right thing here! Today we'll give you a few tips and tricks for the perfect egg.

The first thing to consider is storage. Eggs can be stored at room temperature, but from the 18th day after laying they should be placed in the refrigerator. If the egg is older than 28 days (after the laying date), it should no longer be eaten.

If you are not sure whether the egg is still fresh, you can try the following trick: Take a glass, fill it with water and place the egg in it. If it sinks to the bottom and remains flat, it is still fresh. If it rises, you should eat it as soon as possible. If it floats to the surface, this is a bad sign.

To prevent the eggs from cracking in the saucepan, you should prick them once beforehand or add a dash of vinegar to the water. You can also put them in cold water and bring them to the boil slowly so that the eggshell does not expand.

Soft, hard or medium-boiled: everyone has their own taste. Here is a practical egg stove guide:

Soft-boileddepending on size 3- 5 minutes
Medium-hard cookedapprox. 7 minutes
Hard boiled10 minutes

If the eggs are to be eaten immediately after cooking, it helps to quench them, preferably with ice-cold water. This makes it easier to peel the eggs.

Do you have several eggs in the fridge at home and can’t remember which one is already cooked? No problem. Place the egg on the work surface and turn it with a quick hand movement. If it moves slowly and unevenly, it is still raw. But if it turns quickly on its own axis, it is hard-boiled.

The diverse world of egg dishes: From scrambled eggs to shakshuka

Eggs are not only an everyday ingredient in the kitchen, they are also extremely versatile and inspiring.

Whether it’s a savory treat or a sweet temptation, you’ll find the perfect inspiration for your culinary creativity here.

  1. Scrambled eggs: Scramble beaten eggs in a pan over a medium heat until set. Add cheese, herbs, vegetables or ham to taste.
  2. Fried egg: An egg is fried in a pan, leaving the yolk intact. Depending on taste, it can be soft or well done.
  3. Omelette: beaten eggs are filled with various fillings such as cheese, vegetables, mushrooms or ham and baked in a pan.
  4. Eggs Benedict: A classic breakfast dish consisting of poached eggs on a halved English muffin, covered with Canadian bacon and hollandaise sauce.
  5. Frittata: Similar to an omelette, but without the folding. Eggs and filling are fried in a pan, often baked in the oven.
  6. Shakshuka: North African dish in which eggs are poached in a spicy tomato sauce with paprika and spices.
  7. Eggs Florentine: Similar to Eggs Benedict, but instead of bacon, spinach leaves and sometimes salmon are used.
  8. Egg salad: Boiled eggs are cut into cubes and mixed with mayonnaise, mustard, onions and spices, often served as a spread or side dish.
  9. Pancakes: Flat, thin pancakes made from egg batter, which can be filled with sweet or savory fillings.
  10. Egg white omelette: An omelette that consists only of egg whites and is a low-fat option.

Recipes on the subject of eggs

Whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert – the egg is versatile and an indispensable part of gastronomy. From poached eggs in creamy hollandaise sauce to fluffy soufflés and delicious egg dishes from around the world, we have put together a range of recipes that showcase the many possibilities of this simple but amazing food. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of eggs with us and be inspired by our creative and delicious recipes. It’s guaranteed to be an egg-cellent experience!

Eggs Benedict

Poached eggs

Vegetable frittata


Fresh rolls with egg from the hot air fryer

Breakfast bowl with ham, cheese and egg from the microwave

The right kitchen gadgets

Practical egg stoves also make the cooking process easier. You simply set the desired cooking time, put the eggs in and then wait until they are ready. It doesn’t get any better than that, does it?