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New year, new luck – resolutions for 2023

New year, new resolutions! More sport, less smoking, a healthier diet - if only it weren't for your inner bastard holding you back.
2023 – what are your resolutions this year?

The most frequently mentioned goal this year is the desire for a less stressful everyday life. More time for yourself and the things that really matter.

The focus is also on more time for and with family and friends, as well as more sustainable behavior in everyday life.

Source: https://www.dak.de/dak/bundesthemen/gute-vorsaetze-2023-2594612.html#/

Follow through instead of breaking off – but how?

Making New Year’s resolutions is easy, but actually putting them into practice often causes problems. We have 3 suggestions here on how you can keep your resolutions.

  1. Stress reduction – everyone wants a relaxed everyday life and not to be disturbed by every little thing. What helps? Music! Headphones in and your favorite album on. On the way to work, during your lunch break or in between – a good mood is guaranteed.
  2. Just say YES! Say yes to spontaneous outings with friends, family get-togethers or invitations from colleagues. Take the time to spend moments with your loved ones. It’s easier than you think.
  3. Stay hydrated – a recurring resolution is to lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes drinking more water. Drinking enough water saves calories and makes you more resilient during sporting activities. Even a large glass immediately after getting up helps you to start the day feeling fresh and alert.
Keep your New Year’s resolutions with SEVERIN!

For many people, this year’s to-do list will no doubt include cleaning out the cupboards, getting rid of old clutter and sprucing up their home. Our SEPURO power vacuum cleaner will help you remove all the dust from last year. Thanks to the integrated dust bag, cleaning is fun even if you are allergic to house dust! 😀

Discover more now!

More time for friends and family. A resolution that is once again in the top 3 this year. But it doesn’t always have to be elaborate.

Invite your loved ones to your home, fire up the barbecue and spend some quality time together. Delicious food, refreshing drinks and, above all, conviviality are the focus here.

What better way to do this than with our eBBQ World around the SEVO? Plug it in and the barbecue party can begin.

Simply together. Simply enjoy!

Matching the theme. Store now!

After many days of delicious festive food and after the New Year’s Eve rush has been digested, many people make a New Year’s resolution to eat more healthily. How easier is that than with a vitamin-rich, fresh and homemade juice?

You can also make delicious jam and sorbets with our slow juicer. And we all know that the only thing that tastes better than homemade at home is Grandma’s!

Live healthy!

Matching the theme. Store now!

https://severin.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/ES3571_ohne_Deko.png Slow Juicer
ES 3571
149.90 €

We wish you a great start into the new year and that you can realize some of your resolutions! 🙂

Matching the theme. Store now!