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Everything you need to know about meat

Whether juicy steak, tender fillets or spicy ribs - meat plays a central role in barbecuing and in the kitchen. But what should you look out for when buying meat? Which types of meat are suitable for which preparation methods? And what makes really good meat? In this article, we give you valuable tips on meat quality, maturing, storage and preparation to make your next barbecue or cooking experience a perfect success.

Species, varieties, husbandry

Meat has been a staple food in this country for centuries. A staple food is anything that can be found in large quantities on the menu.

Nutrients & fat content Meat is generally considered a good source of protein. The human body can metabolize these proteins very well and use them as a source of energy. It also contains significant amounts of various minerals such as iron, selenium, zinc and vitamins. In fact, the individual nutrients vary greatly depending on the type of meat. There are significant differences in fat content depending on which part of the animal the piece of meat is. Chicken breast is the leanest with less than 1% fat. Chicken leg is already over 10%. Veal, horse and venison as well as beef fillet or pork ham with less than 5% fat content are also considered lean. Duck, goose and lamb have the highest fat content at up to 20%. Pork belly even has a fat content of almost 30%.

The amount of cholesterol contained in meat is between 50 and 90 milligrams per 100 grams of total weight, depending on the type. For offal, the amount is even higher, up to 250 milligrams.

In addition to the animal species and the respective cut, another factor has a decisive effect on the composition and the nutrients contained in the meat: The way the animals are reared during their lifetime.

Conventional/intensive livestock farming
Characteristic here is the generation of the highest possible yield (of meat) while at the same time making efficient use of resources. For example, farmers rely on fast-growing breeds with a high meat content. At the same time, more animals are housed in a smaller space. To speed up rearing, special feed is often used for fattening, and antibiotics are often used to prevent the animals from falling ill.

Organic livestock farming
Organic livestock farming pays close attention to the welfare of the animals. The conditions under which they are reared are based on the natural conditions they would find in the wild. The same goes for the diet. In addition to a stable as shelter, for example, they also have the opportunity to move around in an outdoor enclosure in the fresh air and natural light.

The large differences in husbandry and nutrition show that this must inevitably result in variations in meat quality.

If the animals grow up in a shorter time, the weight gain is often due to the storage of a higher proportion of water in the tissue. This becomes noticeable later during preparation in the kitchen. Meat with a high water content loses size when roasted and can shrink to a fraction of its original size.


Pork is the most popular meat in Germany. It is considered particularly tasty due to its relatively high fat content. However, this makes it unhealthier than other types of meat if we regularly eat too much of it. It also spoils more quickly than other types.

This is another reason why it is often preserved using various methods (curing, smoking, further processing into sausage). This in turn means that foods made from pork in particular often have a high salt content. It is therefore healthier to use fresh and unprocessed cuts. Fillet, cutlet and schnitzel meat are considered particularly lean.


Chicken or turkey is the most popular poultry that regularly ends up on plates in this country. Many people prefer this meat because certain parts are much lower in fat than beef or pork. Chemical compounds that can form carcinogenic substances when red meat is cooked at high temperatures are not found in poultry.

However, special care must be taken during preparation: poultry meat is more susceptible to contamination with salmonella. These bacteria occur naturally in our environment and can transmit and trigger various diseases. To be on the safe side, poultry should therefore always be cooked thoroughly.


In Germany, “red meat” is considered a particularly healthy meat. The various cuts are highlighted once again on the following double page. Beef comes into its own in many ways, especially when grilling.


Lamb is also one of the “red” types of meat. However, it is comparatively rare on the table in Germany. Not least because of its generally higher price, it is considered more of a delicacy and is increasingly prepared for festive occasions.

Although sheep meat from adult animals is also available, the meat acquires a stronger aroma and the typical mutton taste with increasing age, which we find too intense.


Game meat or venison is the meat of animals that live in the wild and are subject to hunting rights. In Germany, “game” mainly refers to roe deer, stag, wild boar and hare. The proportion of game in the total meat consumption in Germany is relatively low, the main hunting season is in the fall and winter. Game meat is generally low in fat and also rich in protein, minerals and vitamins.


Fish likes to be cooked gently on the grill. Temperatures that are too hot destroy the tender meat and the result is anything but successful.

The SEVO is therefore also the ideal grill for fish lovers: the perfect temperature adjustability in combination with two integrated core thermometers and gentle heat enables perfect cooking.

In summary, you should pay attention to these points:

Organic seal
Meat from organic farming is not only less contaminated with medication or other critical residues from the feed, the animals also grow up closer to nature and usually have a little more time to develop healthily. In the end, you can taste this in the meat.

Regional products
Meat from the region also has a major advantage. No long transportation routes are necessary – neither with the live animals nor with the finished product. On the other hand, everyone can make a contribution to strengthening regional agriculture.

Quality instead of quantity
High-quality meat is more expensive. However, organic livestock farming pays more attention to the environment. This is another reason why it makes sense to invest a little more in a good product and consume less meat overall.