Photo shoots – how do they actually work?

Everyone has probably heard the term marketing before. But what does it actually mean? Many people equate it with advertising – but that’s a fallacy! Of course it is a part of it, but just booking advertising space or advertisements at random is unfortunately not enough. And our boss probably wouldn’t be happy either 🙂 What goes on the advertising space? How do we want to present our product in the best possible light? What message do we want to convey? As you can see, we have quite a few questions. But I don’t want to explain all the intermediate steps, let’s jump over to the photoshoot.

As soon as we have a test sample in the office, we can start planning the content. This includes videos, photos and, of course, texts. And these points all play together. I’ve already explained how a video production works. But here you can read it again. When we plan the photos, we have to think about what textual content fits best – in other words, we have to capture an important feature of the product in the images. Be it the digital dial, the jars included or perhaps the heating technology. We start with the USPs(unique selling points) and write a detailed briefing for our photographer. We answer questions such as the color mood, setting and all the food that will be included in the picture. The more detailed we are, the easier it is for the photographer.
With our new egg stoves, for example, we had to specify whether we wanted poached, hard-boiled or only medium-soft boiled eggs. And anyone who likes to prepare eggs in the morning knows how many intermediate stages there are with boiled eggs. So here we go: Details, details, details.

But now the photographer can finally get to work: the day of the shoot. After countless arrangements, we have a list with all the details. Every picture is precisely planned and now it’s time to decorate. Vases, flowers, plates, cups and everything else that needs to be in the setting has to be positioned. Photos are taken again and again to take a close look at the ‘mood’ of the picture and then make any necessary adjustments. And then finally our star of the day is allowed into the picture: our product. As an electrical manufacturer, our electrical appliances are of course the highlight. And so the next step is to invest a lot of time in the lighting. Stainless steel applications should not have any reflections of other objects. The appliance must be clean and at the right angle. And before you know it, a lot of time has passed and the actual shoot has just begun.
You realize that even a day in the studio can be very long, so it only helps if there is enough nourishment and you always have a cup of coffee ready for tired eyes. In fact, the days with the photographer are always very interesting and full of creativity, but you shouldn’t forget how much work is behind a picture.
No matter how stressful the day of a shoot is with all its preparation and follow-up work, in the end you are always happy to see the pictures of your work in the web store, in catalogs or in advertisements. One of the many things that make a job in marketing fun.