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14/03/2025 Everything | Recipes

Tender salmon from the microwave

Hardly any other food needs to be prepared as carefully as fish. Salmon in particular should be very delicate and tender, but how often have you had to eat it dry and overcooked? To make sure this never happens again, I have a fantastic preparation tip for you. Who would have thought that the microwave, of all things, could offer a simple method with guaranteed success? I'll show you how quick and easy it is in my recipe for tender salmon in the microwave.
Preparation time 3 minutes Cooking time 8 minutes
Ingredients for 2 portions
Tender salmon from the microwave
  • 400 g salmon (e.g. 2 fillets of 200 g each)
  • 1 tbsp dill (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 tbsp cream
  • 2 tbsp dry white wine
  • 1 tsp sauce thickener
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Microwave-safe container, e.g. a glass dish


  1. Pat the salmon dry and remove the skin. If using frozen salmon, defrost it first.
  2. Place the salmon pieces in a microwave dish and marinate with lemon juice, white wine, dill, salt and pepper.
  3. Place in the microwave and cook at 850 watts for approx. 4-6 minutes until the fish is tender. Stir the sauce in between so that the flavors can be better absorbed into the salmon.
  4. Then remove the fish from the microwave and wrap in aluminum foil. Add the sauce thickener to the sauce in the dish and stir.
  5. Bring the sauce to the boil for a further 2 minutes at 850 watts. Then add the cream and season to taste.
  6. Arrange the salmon on a plate with the sauce and garnish with dill.


The salmon is prepared particularly gently in an inverter microwave. The constant power output preserves many flavors and nutrients. This makes the salmon even more tender.