Colorful offers on Black Friday – everything you need to know!
Black Friday comes around every year in November. As soon as the month has begun, online stores and retailers entice their customers with numerous offers, special savings promotions and high discounts. This and the start of the Christmas shopping season make Black Week, of which Black Friday is a part, the biggest consumer week of the entire year. However, very few people know where the day originated and where the term comes from. We'll enlighten you - and there are a few great offers to boot!

When is Black Friday 2023?
Black Friday It always falls on the Friday after the American holiday Thanksgiving . As this always falls on the fourth Thursday in November, Black Friday is usually the last Friday in November
Black Week lasts for a week and culminates in Cyber Monday following the weekend.
Of course, we’ll also be there with attractive offers for our electrical appliances for your home. The deals will come in over the next few days, so it’s worth taking a look!
Our deals, for you at a glance:
Where does Black Friday come from? – Originung
Black Friday has its origins in the USA and falls on the Friday after Thanksgiving. On this day, Americans typically take a long weekend off. This day also marks the unofficial start of the Christmas and Advent season in the USA. The day off is therefore used to buy the first Christmas presents. Retailers have taken advantage of this to bring the Christmas shopping season forward with attractive sales incentives. This has turned into the biggest shopping day in the world.
Why is Friday black? – Origin of the name
There are numerous theories as to where the name Black Friday comes from. The most popular one says that the day is used by companies with low turnover to get into the black shortly before the end of the year – in other words, to generate a lot of sales in a short space of time with tempting offers. Others claim that it refers to hands that are black from counting so much money or to the crowds of people in the shopping streets who appear like a black mass.
The hype surrounding Black Friday – global success
Black Friday is the highest-selling day of the year for retailers.
Retailers use the day to entice customers with special offers and promotions, relying in particular on the increasing willingness to spend money as Christmas approaches. Due to the success of the Black Friday tradition, stores and sellers all over the world are now taking part in the campaign.
Shopping is in season – Cyber Monday
With the arrival of online stores, Black Friday weekend was also extended to include Cyber Monday, which was originally intended to boost online-only sales. Black Friday and Cyber Monday now merge seamlessly into one another, blurring the boundaries to the front and back and turning the entire second half of November into the shopping season for consumers worldwide.
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