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14/03/2025 Everything | Tips & Tricks

Make your own yogurt – what you need to know

Mmmhh … so creamy, so delicious! I’m a big fan of yogurt and always have an emergency portion in the fridge. I particularly like to eat it in the morning with muesli and fresh fruit. Or as a sweet afternoon snack with honey and sprinkles. I always opt for natural yoghurt – preferably homemade. Because then I know what I’m enjoying.

And who knows, maybe you’ll soon ditch the supermarket yogurt and prefer to make it yourself. It’s easier than you think.

Natural yogurt is good for you and tastes good

Fruit yoghurt from the supermarket in particular is so full of sugar that all its good properties become secondary. Natural yoghurt is a sour milk product and therefore ideal for a healthy intestinal flora. The lactic acid makes microbes disappear and the intestines can function without any problems.

Yoghurt also contains a whole host of nutrients. If you are looking for a good source of high-quality protein, calcium, magnesium and B vitamins, then you should add an extra large portion of yogurt to your cereal bowl.

Unschlagbar gut: Müsli und Joghurt

The ingredients – what you need for homemade yogurt

1. Yoghurt bacteria

This is where it gets confusing. Because for homemade yogurt you actually need store-bought yogurt. However, you only need a small amount, as only the yoghurt bacteria are needed. Once you have made your own yogurt, you can use some of it for your next yogurt production.

Important when choosing store-bought yogurt: For yogurt production to actually work, the yogurt should contain live cultures, “Lb Bulgaricus“. You can read on the packaging whether your yogurt of choice contains them.

Alternatively, you can also use yogurt bacteria in the form of yogurt powder from the health food store. So-called thermophilic bacteria, which feel comfortable at a temperature of 38-42 °C, are suitable for this. This is because yoghurt preparation is a warm and cozy process. Lb acidophilus, for example, are suitable for mild yogurt. So you can also experiment with the choice of bacteria to find out how you like your yoghurt best.

2. Milk

In addition to the bacteria, milk also forms the basis for your yogurt. The higher the fat content, the creamier your yogurt will be. It is best to use long-life milk. It is already ultra-heated and therefore ready to use.

Fresh milk must be boiled and heated to approx. 90 °C beforehand. This will make your yogurt last longer. That’s all there is to it. Now you can start making yogurt.

3. Vegan or lactose-free milk

You can of course also make vegan yogurt yourself. From ingredients to preparation, the same basic conditions apply as for conventional yogurt. In contrast to oat, almond or cashew yogurt, however, soy and coconut milk are best suited for making it, as they achieve a creamy result.

Homemade plant milk should be boiled and heated before use. Otherwise, the long-life versions from the supermarket are also suitable. Just like store-bought vegan yogurt from the supermarket for the required bacterial cultures.

Yoghurt made from plant milk is generally a little runnier than that made from cow’s milk. To make it creamy, you can use thickeners such as locust bean gum, guar gum or agar agar. Locust bean gum and guar gum are only added after the yogurt has been prepared. Agar agar must be heated directly with the milk and then cooled back down to approx. 38-42 °C. You can then add the bacterial cultures. Soy yogurt usually does not even need any other thickeners.

Making yogurt yourself without a machine

As not everyone can call a yogurt maker their own, I also have the option of making yogurt without a machine for you. With the right equipment, you can make your creamy yogurt this way too.

You need:

  • 1 L milk
  • 2 tbsp natural yoghurt OR 1 packet of yoghurt powder


  1. Heat the milk to 90 °C in a saucepan. It is best to use a thermometer for this. Then cool down to 40 °C and remove from the heat.
  2. Now stir in the yogurt or yogurt powder evenly and pour into glasses.
  3. Leave the jars in the oven at approx. 50 °C for 12 hours so that the bacteria have time to work. Make sure that the temperature does not get too hot. The bacteria don’t like it too hot or too cold.

Making your own yogurt with a machine

This is definitely my favorite option. The yoghurt maker takes care of the temperature, I don’t have to check anything and can leave the yoghurt to work overnight. A fresh, creamy yogurt awaits me in the morning without any stress.

You need:

  • 1 L milk
  • 2 tbsp natural yoghurt OR 1 packet of yoghurt powder


  1. Heat the milk to 90 °C in a saucepan. It is best to use a thermometer for this. Then cool down to 40 °C and remove from the heat.
  2. Now stir in the yogurt or yogurt powder evenly.
  3. Pour the mixture into a yogurt maker and start the preparation.
How long you can keep your yogurt for

Once prepared, you can store your fresh yogurt in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 10 days. Note, however, that the taste changes slightly with each day and becomes more tart. This is a completely natural process and does not mean that the yogurt will no longer keep.

Enjoy your meal!

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