Strengthen your immune system
Runny nose, tiredness and feeling faint... Are you feeling the same at the start of the cold season? If so, you've come to the right place. But even if not, you should read on carefully! Today we're talking about a healthy immune system, and it doesn't just help if you want to get fit again. It's also your miracle weapon for prevention. I've tried out and researched a few things over the last few weeks and am sharing my tips with you today. Let's go!

1. Drink enough
Viruses and bacteria often find their way into our bodies via the respiratory tract and can then make us ill. This works particularly well if our mucous membranes are not moist enough. There is only one way to combat this dehydration: drink enough fluids. Of course, water should be the first choice, but tasty and healthy herbal and fruit teas can also provide a pleasant change.
2. Vitamins
We take in important, immune-boosting nutrients through a balanced diet with a high-fiber diet and plenty of fruit and vegetables. In addition to vitamins, we should also pay attention to good fats and omega-3 fatty acids and other substances such as iron, zinc and amino acids. Delicious, freshly squeezed juices help to give you a good vitamin boost and in such a tasty form.
Ginger shots are absolutely on trend at the moment: This involves squeezing a quantity of ginger with a little lemon or lime through a slowjuicer. Ginger is known as a miracle cure for colds thanks to its healthy ingredients such as vitamin C, magnesium, iron and calcium.
3. Dress warmly enough – even indoors
If we are not dressed warmly enough, our body cools down and is more vulnerable and weakened. This can quickly lead to a cold, especially at the present time when there is a lot of ventilation. The onion look helps here, of course, but so does a warming electric blanket.
4. Get outside!
Right now, we need to enjoy the last rays of sunshine to the full. Although our bodies can no longer produce most of the vitamin D in the current low sun, even a little goes a long way. Exercise is also good for us and gets our circulation going. And let’s not forget that being surrounded by nature has a strong psychological effect. It makes us feel better and lowers our stress levels.
My conclusion is that there is a lot you can do and there are many tricks and tips to help us get through this time in good health. Even if one or two measures have to be prepared and implemented first (the inner bastard sends his regards), it may save you a week of feeling unwell.